Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Who Are They?

Conquering Them. Getting Them to agree with you. Convincing Them. Trust me, the obsession with others' approval of us is suffocating - yet also bewilderingly intoxicating. Our constant self-choking emphasis on the forces - the They - that hold us back from unleashing our potential creates a euphoric state of irresponsibility. If They won't let me do it - then it isn't my fault. If They won't agree with me - then my argument wasn't faulty. If They can't be convinced - then my efforts aren't necessary. But, dear friends, the minute we ask the important question is sobering. The euphoria is dissipated because it is then that we realize that They do not exist and that we can't blame Them for our own failure. So, what then are we to do? How are we to approach life in a different way?


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